Rebirth; the Walk from Tottenham to West Footscray
Meg Stoios, 2023, Oil on canvas, 92 x 122cm
Models: Self portrait, Tait
The artist and their ex-partner traverse patches of bush and wasteland along the train line between West Footscray and Tottenham stations in Melbourne’s West.
The route has been reimagined as transformative. The walk poeticised as a microcosm of the duration of the relationship, culminating in its demise. The two figures trudge towards relationship death: bags under eyes, Coles shopping bag in tow.
The baby magpie and its mother along with the carton of eggs in the foreground serve multiple functions: signifying re-birth – a chance for new life through newly open futures, as well as a reflection on fertility and the couple’s commitment to and subsequent loss of potential childbirth. The iconographic elements embed the scene within a deeply familiar Australian experience.